Revenge Porn: The Result of a Lack of Privacy in an Internet-Based Society


By Shelbie Marie Mora, Class of 2023

I. Introduction

 Nonconsensual pornography, also referred to as revenge porn, is “the distribution of sexual or pornographic images of individuals without their consent.”[1] Forty-six U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico have adopted revenge porn laws. However, there is no federal law in place that prohibits revenge porn. Several countries around the world have chosen to adopt revenge porn statutes to protect individuals’ privacy rights and prevent emotional and financial harm. Revenge porn is primarily a large issue for women given that they are overwhelmingly the target of it.[2] Major ramifications can amount to victims who have had their intimate images posted online without their consent.

In this paper, I will discuss the rise of revenge porn websites, examine Texas and Vermont’s revenge porn statutes, review case law for each state, and analyze the detriments that the holdings pose to victims of revenge porn. I will next examine Australia, Puerto Rico, and Canada’s revenge porn laws and the penalties imposed for offenders. Lastly, I will assess a failed proposed federal revenge porn law in the United States, discuss where the U.S. falls short on federal legislation, and propose remedies to help protect the privacy of individuals. The United States falls short in revenge porn legislation and must pass a federal law to promote and protect the privacy of Americans and deter this crime.

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